Hello Eneche
I have been married for 3 years now. i love my husband very much. but in the past year we have been going down hill big time. we both are changing. He is getting madder and because he is mad all of the time that makes me mad as well. i try so hard to keep a very good out look on everything, and not get mad, sad, or aggravated about any thing. but he just keep on pushing all of the buttons that he can find. his brother and friend moved in with us. We are 5 people in a 2 bedroom home. i am the only one that is not working. i understand that he is stressed out about the home and work. but things just seem to be getting worse. i am trying everything to make him happy but nothing is working. and the bad part is that i have stop wanting, looking, or thinking about sex for a good min. i have tried talking to him about every thing. but the only thing he is doing is trying to put a gilt trip on me. that it is all my fault, that is he going to kill himself,that its always his fault and i do nothing wrong. i just don't know what to do any more. can some one help me. thank you .
First, you have to be prayerful and remain submissive to him. Secondly, try get a job or find something doing to support him, also be calm when he's mad, only you can fix your marriage.