Hello Readers
I have been married for 9 years... as I got older, with kids, work, at times college AND work AND family to take care of, my libido is not the same as it used to be when we were younger and had less responsibilities. I am about to turn 37. I LOVE my husband, but we obviously love differently. My "love language" is taking care of everything, working at my job to contribute to our income, making sure our kids are happy and taken care of, etc... I love holding his hand when we walk, I love hugging him, I love hearing he say he loves me... regular things that every woman loves... His "love language" however, is physical touch - more in a sexual way than anything else. He has admitted he would be so happy if he could have sex every single day, and I don't think that's normal... am I the crazy one? I would be completely happy with sex 2, maybe 3 times a week.......The other thing is how he approaches it, he is not at all sweet/romantic about it, and that also turns me off.... while I appreciate that he is attracted to me and I know that is his "weird" way of showing love... it makes me feel like an "object", it does not make me feel loved. And it turns me off more and more... We have had multiple talks and it always end up with me feeling guilty for not feeling the same way he does. It has affected me tremendously. I've had anxiety over it, and at times I feel like I will never be able to make him happy because I know I will never be that much into sex. I am a woman. I meaningful conversation, words of encouragement, etc.. mean so much more to me than sex. Do I think sex in important? YES! Do I love having sex with my husband? YES! But I don't need nor want it every day and because of that I feel I'll never make him happy and fulfilled. I am not sure what I am expecting here... maybe some wisdom and guidance from someone? Help?
Since has proven that as a woman grows older her libido drops, so the way you fell is quite understandable however with marraige comes sacrifice. Men are nit wired like women, they are sexual beings. You have to adjust so that ur husband is Please and not tempted to cheat. Stop seeing yourself as an object. It all strts with the mind if can convince yourself that yr husband love y and is very attracted to u hence His frequent desire for sex u would have crossed a major milestone. Theb am sure there are sexual things u like ask ur husband to them.
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